Александр (mr_aug) wrote,

Из блога Суареза

The Gentleman Killer

I worked with a man once that was the epitome of this. He spoke several languages and was well traveled. He could quote Norse mythology as well as the bible. He knew what words like "clandestine" meant when others did not. He was a dog handler after a time in the military including service during Vietnam. I recall thinking, "I want to be like that guy".

A study of other gentleman killers will reveal guys like Fairbairn, or Burton. Look them up people. Relearn your research skills. trust me in this era of emasculated males attempting to make a bellicose showing by getting tattooed from nose to nuts or growing their body hair to saquatch proportions, reading about men like Sir Richard Burton will be a shock...and a relief. Same for many others. Fairbairn was quite learned and studied the ways of both east and west concurrently.

Today, we are deluged with the scruffy, smelly, and uncooth as examples of manhood. No I say. we can do far better than the opposite of the Justin Beavers of the world. Instead of the hairy chested nut scratcher, let us strive to be the gentleman killers.
Tags: suarez

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