Here you will find Norwegian educational directives, folders etc. for use during exercises and operations with focus on winter operations and safety.
Safe Routing and Companion Rescue during winter conditions.pdf
UD 2-1 (E) Safety regulations.pdf
UD 6-81-1 (E) A Guide to Cold Weather Operations Winter Conditions.pdf
UD 6-81-2 (E) Instruction in Winter service Personel Clothing.pdf
UD 6-81-3 (E) A Guide to Cold Weather Opertions Food.pdf
UD 6-81-4 (E) A Guide to Cold Weather Operations Frostbite and other injuries.pdf
UD 6-81-4 (E) Instruction in winter service-Winter injuries.pdf
UD 6-81-5 (E) A Guide to Cold Weather Operations Movement.pdf