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In the new Krieghoff movie we follow Henrik Lott through an entire hunting season in Germany!
"The habitat of wild animals is where we hunters also find our spiritual home - here we feel one with nature – this is where we belong.
I am Henrik Lott. Accompany me on a hunting season in Germany, where we show what hunting means to me and other hunters: It's about "being in the outdoors", it's about experiencing moments during the year that are reserved only for hunters, and it's about bringing home venison, the highest quality food that nature has to offer."
"Hunting for me means „Accepting the challenge!“, „Bearing the responsibility!“. Hunting fills my life, it's fulfilling, and part of my nature.
We live in an industrial and agricultural dominated landscape with seasonally varying amounts of food and cover for our wildlife populations. But we have managed to establish some of Europe's most species-rich habitats, and at the same time high densities of healthy game populations that are largely in harmony with agriculture and forestry.
Responsible and sustainable hunting is the reason. Our passion for game and our deep knowledge of the natural processes form the basis of responsible and respectful hunting practices. We feel traditionally committed to these.
Hunting is the most natural and sustainable form of land use, because it is an inseparable part of nature."
Host John Porter heads into the wilds of north western Wyoming with two clients in search of mountain goat and shiras moose.
"Don't confuse me with being anything else other than proud. Proud to be a hunter. It's time we stop apologizing for how we get our protein. This is who we are. Unless you’re a small time rancher, small time farmer, a hunter or fishermen... you really have no idea where your food comes from. Most people don’t even think about it. Well, we think about it. ” - Donnie Vincent.
If you’re like me and hunting is part of who you are, share this video and hopefully we can get some people thinking differently about how they acquire their food and maybe, just maybe... we'll change their opinion about hunting.
Hunting is not a sport not a game not a hobby, it is a lifestyle...
I have decided to stop apologizing for being who I am.
I am a hunter and I'm proud of it.
I want to show the world how benefit hunting can be.
I make a real effort to get my food and I know where it comes from.
I'm taking you on a chamois hunt in France.
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